Engine 6HK1XYSA01 Isuzu
Transdiesel only offers original products from the manufacturer, so the Motor 6HK1XYSA01 Isuzu has the manufacturer's guarantee. The product is presented in the original Isuzu packaging to ensure your peace of mind.
This Engine is suitable for Hitachi Zaxis
Many leading manufacturers in their sectors have chosen Isuzu for their equipment, such as Hitachi, the CNH group, JCB or AUSA in Spain.
This product can also be found with the reference 6HK1X YSA01.
TRANSDIESEL S.L., ISUZU's official Service Center, distributes its diesel engines for industrial applications. Engines of 2, 3, 4 and 6 cylinders in line, water-cooled and of powers between 20 and 397 kW.
If you have any questions regarding the characteristics of this product, please contact our
spare parts department.